Jul 2Liked by Athena Cooper

Always such a powerful read. It is so interesting to get an almost visceral experience of your healing process. Thank you for letting us in to what it is like. The phases and the eventual acceptance stay with me and also you knowing that your body had turned a corner and you are in a new phase of recovery. Best wishes with those angles! Best wishes with your exhibit. I hope it brings new phases of joy discovery and connection! Wishing you continued progress!

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Thanks so much! It's been a wild recovery and part of the reason I've been writing about it is that I want to remember all the lessons I'm learning through the fracture healing process.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Athena Cooper

That makes a lot of sense. I know you have the makings of an amazing and substantial memoir with these writings. Your writing is going well along side the writings ofJohn Tarrant that MB recommended. The Light Inside the Dark. Zen Soul and the Spiritual Life. Thank you again for sharing your experiences with us. It is so meaningful to hear the voice of your experience.

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Jul 2Liked by Athena Cooper

Thank you for sharing this with us and letting us see into your day to day, Athena. This sounds really, really tough!! Wonder Woman, lake days, and being heard - these are powerful, Athena. I celebrate your 20 degrees head lift with you. 💪Every win matters. Sending love your way.

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Thanks so much! It has certainly been a journey.

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Beautifully written, Athena! Slow and steady is the only way to win this race 💚

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